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16 Year Old Moved in with Dad :(

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I have been divorced from my Narcissist, cheating ex for 7 years now. He left for a 19 year old & has since married her & had more kids. While he was moving on with his life, I was picking up the pieces & focused 100% of my time on our teenage daughters. I have always been very civil with him for my girls. Him and his new wife & kids have been to my house for dinner, etc. I have always sacrificed my own feelings for my daughters. I wanted them to have the most normal life possible. Two months ago my 16 year old stormed out of my house & said that she was moving in with her dad because I was asking too many questions about a trip she was going on with her friends to Florida. When she left, I figured she would be back in a few days. Well she has never returned to my house, nor will she even speak to me. I am completely devastated. We have always had a close relationship, so I am in complete shock. Sometimes I wish I were a bad mom because I would at least be able to make sense of all of this. The only thing that I can see is that my ex has zero rules & buys her whatever she wants. The first week she was there, he bought her new bedroom furniture. I am hurt, angry, and slipping into depression. Has anyone else been through this?

#11842 Reply
random avatar

Hi Leigh, i am going through the same thing right now with my 16 year old daughter.  I tried to discipline her for things she has been doing and boom, walks out the door a month and a half ago and hasn’t even tried to contact me yet.  I am also, like you, confused, hurt, angry, sad.  I feel empty and I don’t understand what is going on and how this happened.  Worst part is, she left me to go to her dad, who she hates.  I am hoping others reply to this post because I would love to know the answer too.  I don’t know if I just need to disconnect and not contact her and give her the space but the mom inside of me says no keep contacting her.

#11843 Reply
random avatar

I can completely relate to this — as the same happened to me.  I did give my daughter space.  Its hard at first — Money and No Rules seems to be all that teenagers think they want or need.   Don’t disconnect completely … just don’t fight and try and ride it out.  It took a year for my daughter and I to establish a “NEW” relationship.

#11882 Reply
random avatar

I am going through the same thing.  It is just awful.

Stay strong!

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