Arryn Greenspan

Arryn Greenspan is the President & CEO of Tembo Financial and manages all the day to day operations of the Company.

Arryn prides himself on customer service and offering his clients unique tailored solutions to assist with their situation.

Tembo Financial is a non-traditional finance company focusing on short term financing products.

Clients no longer need to wait until their property sale closes to receive the equity tied up in their home.

One of Tembo’s unique offerings is an equity advance prior to closing to assist with a variety of expenses such as repairs, renos or perhaps even the DEPOSIT on your next home that you are purchasing or renting?

  • Have Arryn Greenspan Contact You:

Angels Endorsement

Tembo can help a couple going through a divorce with a financial product that allows them to access some of the equity tied up in their home.

A divorce can be a difficult, stressfull and expensive period and Tembo can help to alleviate some of that stress by providing you with money you need for certain situations.

For example:

You are selling your matrimonial home and you or perhaps both of you need to live somewhere but cannot secure a new place to live without money for the deposit (whether you are purchasing or renting).

Tembo can give you money in anticipation of the sale of your matrimonial home and collect it upon the closing of the sale of your existing home.

The above example is one of many solutions they have.

They pride themselves on service and once approved you could have funds within 48 hours!