As I write this I can’t believe how stupid I was! I mean the warning signs were all there but I didn’t see them. Either I was completely unconscious or I was in serious denial.
My wife and I were married for 15 years. We actually had a great marriage at the beginning. We had many similar interests – we loved to play tennis we loved to eat, and we loved to hang out with our friends. We spent a lot of time together and had great passion in our marriage.
When the kids came, life changed. It got busy and it was hard to find time for “us”. But we did – we made date nights a priority and tried to sneak a weekend away alone every year. As the kids grew and their schedules became busier, we often found ourselves running around with the kids separately. Sometimes a whole weekend would pass and we would have barely spent a minute alone.
We would laugh and say that this wouldn’t last forever and relished our alone time when we could get it.
But then things changed. The last year of our marriage had many warning signs that I was oblivious to. So in an effort to help someone else – here are my tips on what to look out for:
- Cosmetic Enhancements – If your wife suddenly wants anything done cosmetically you should become suspicious: Boob Job, Tummy Tuck, Botox, Braces, Eyelash Extensions, etc… My wife did it all – it never even dawned on me that she was preparing to leave. I paid and took care of her through each of the procedures. It was strange that all of a sudden she was consumed with her appearance. She told me she just wanted to feel better about herself and to be supportive. So I was… boy was I a fool!
- Sudden Weight Loss – My wife suddenly lost her “baby weight” years after having her babies. She was focused on her weight and was more interested in working out and NOT eating. Gone were our adventurous dinners around the city trying new restaurants. She lost all interest in food and was hyper focussed on her body. I thought she was going through a mid life crisis. She had never been so into how she looked. Clearly she was trying to impress someone else.
- Travelling Alone – One day my wife came home and told me that it was her dream to go away “alone” for 2 weeks. She wanted some time off from being a mother and a wife. She wanted to travel alone because she had Never done it before. I fully supported her and took care of our three kids without even questioning it. I am now certain she went away with someone else!
- Duty Sex – We went from not being able to keep our hands off each other to “duty” sex. She just wasn’t into it anymore. She was tired, she had a headache, the kids were in the next room – she was never at a loss for an excuse of why she couldn’t have sex. I believed all of them – truth was she was having sex with someone else.
- Lack of Communication – my wife used to call me 3 times a day at the office. In fact, she would get angry when I would tell her I had to go. All of the sudden, the calls stopped. She was disinterested during the day and wasn’t particularly talkative at night. I definitely felt disconnected but thought maybe I was imagining it.
She ultimately asked for a divorce – told me that she wasn’t happy and wanted more. She said there was no one else but that she was looking for “passion” and a “spark” and just didn’t feel it in our marriage. I was in complete shock. I didn’t see it coming. Perhaps if I had paid attention to the above signs, I would have been better prepared.
Sam, 46
Seymour Heiney
Top 5 reasons she is going to to leave the marriage.
1. She’s a woman.
2. 15 years she gets half biotch’. Pay up!
3. She’s a woman.
4. Kids? Fuck the kids, she needs multiple partners. Did you ever notice if a man cheats he is a pig and if a woman cheats the man wasn’t meeting her needs! Her needs are apparently 6 Dick’s at once. What how can you women justify and rationalize everything! Oh I know because if you admit your wrong your whole world collapses around you.
And finally the most important,,,
Seymour you are right brother….most women are devious, narcissistic and materialistic. Between mixed signals, demanding, whining, etc etc I am done with relationships. I used to be the kind of guy who was kind thoughtful but being with women who did the above behaviors I described, including my wife of 23 years who is now “acting out” but denying anything…Im just done with commitment. They blame us for not committing but its bc of their crazy behavior. Gee…let’s get married so we men will have a 70 percent probability that we will lose all assets, most income and if we have children with said spouses….barely see the children bc if her shark of a lawyer AND she will lie and tell everyone what a horrible father blah blah…nope I’m done. Men….do not get married. If you do get a prenup
Exactly brother…never marry. She will tire of you and move on…
Then start dating men may be it will work out for you …
Wow…just don’t marry any woman, especially an American woman. There is NOTHING in it for you as a man. Think about it – there is nothing you can have by being married that you can’t have by staying single.
Wow to comments above…Not all Women are like that…Things were great in the beginning, but it didn’t take long for the controlling, selfish & jealousy side to come out…threw me for a loop cause I couldn’t believe this was coming from him…Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that in cases like this, Women will get very frustrated especially when he will not communicate & make us feel like were are overreacting fools…I try to express my concerns over things calmly but he never wants to talk it out…So after a while a Woman will shutdown, become resentful, distance herself, especially when she is told that she is always wrong, overreacting & he is never wrong & never sees that he could be part of the issue…The only thing I see that I keep doing at times is bringing things up that I already have, but they never get resolved & the issues that are being brought up are still happening, I just want to communicate better to save this marriage because some of the issue’s are serious…So please from Woman’s point of view “COMMUNICATE” with your Wife, I can’t stress that enough…Even if you feel you are right & she is wrong, talking it out is better that ignoring the issue & trying to make us feel like complete fools…
Ex husband of the artful dodger
Nah. When I tried to communicate things turned out even worse so in the end, looking back I say… why bother? Guys… DON’T get married. It’s not worth it. She will take EVERYTHING FROM YOU. Your money, your kids and your health. Oh of course and you’ll be tagged as a horrible father, of course!
After being in relationship with my husband for nine years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email is ([email protected] } tel.+2348102652355) you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything.
News By Net
Exactly brother…never marry. She will tire of you and move on.and get divroced
Broken heart
They think the relationship is the greatest thing in the world in the beginning until they get bored. Very immature of them to think that love is supposed to be about happy endings forever and ever like a cheesy hallmark love TV show. But the reality is life is about REALITY! Not some stupid day dream. They get bored and move on. They hit some bumpy roads and they got to bail like a coward. They get used to the same thing day in and day out. They take everything they have for granted. Ect……..Then they find someone else and the cycle repeats itself . They continue searching for that perfect life until they are old and crusty and no one wants them no more. Life together is about the ups and downs. NOT JUST THE “UPS”!! Grow up women! They get comfortable and forget about what it was all about. They used to enjoy eachother but they end up bored, plain and simple.
my wife just bought a car without my consent
I have spent money paying her registrations and hardly bought myself clothes while working.
After I lost my job she started showing me true colours. Suddenly she has new cosmetics and even bought a car without my consent.
She has been accussing me of cheating yet she was busy chatting with her exi.