The Divorce Talk: How to Tell the Kids by Vikki Stark is the definitive guide to help parents break the news of an upcoming separation to their kids with the… Read more »
Classified Categories:
Purchase Books Runaway Husbands and Planet Heartbreak
RUNAWAY HUSBANDS The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal, the new book by family therapist Vikki Stark, M.S.W. Vikki will help you understand Wife Abandonment Syndrome (W.A.S.) – a… Read more »
WP Diamonds
WP Diamonds is the leading online buyer of diamonds, diamond jewelry, designer jewelry and luxury watches. Founded in 2012, we offer a free and easy way to sell safely online…. Read more »
Marsha’s Helping Hands helps you pack up all your belongings with care and respect
Assistance with: content sales, rubbish removal, choosing what to take to new dwelling, unpacking, and arranging furniture and art; truly making a new environment feel like home. Marsha does this with… Read more »
Purchase the “I Have” Series of Books
The “I Have” Series was born in 2014 when I saw my stepdaughter struggle with understanding her lifestyle, and seeing adults in her life struggle with healthy answers. The series… Read more »
Move Management and Home Organization by Sensible Space
Let me help create order in your space! Here are some services we offer. DOWNSIZING Let us help you move from your current home to a smaller home in… Read more »
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