Collaborative Lawyers in Vancouver

If you’re about to begin your divorce process, it’s important to know that going to court isn’t your only option. There are alternative dispute resolutions that do not require litigation. If you and your ex-spouse are capable of discussing the terms of your divorce in a civilized and productive manner, you may consider hiring collaborative lawyers to help facilitate this process.  When  you’re ready to take the next step, the Divorce Angels is ready to help, with our carefully compiled list of vetted collaborative lawyers in metro Vancouver who have helped their clients reach successful settlements in a calm, efficient, and more affordable way.

What is a Collaborative Lawyer?

A collaborative divorce relies upon the combined efforts of you, your spouse, your lawyers, and any professional you need to hire—such as accountants, financial advisors, custody specialists, and mediators—to help bring your dispute to a positive and mutually beneficial resolution. A collaborative divorce is held in a neutral and cooperative environment. This form of alternative dispute resolution depends on you and your ex-spouse’s willingness to follow the collaborative process. If either of you is open to negotiating, you will find a collaborative divorce impossible.

Once you both agree to a collaborative divorce, you will each have the opportunity to speak privately with your own counsel before the collaborative meeting in order to discuss your terms. There, you will have the opportunity to discuss openly with your lawyer exactly what you want and need and what you’re willing to negotiate. It’s important to be honest and open so that your lawyer is better prepared to strategize for and represent you.

What to Expect from a Collaborative Lawyer

A collaborative divorce must be voluntary. You cannot force your ex-spouse to hire a collaborative lawyer or participate in the collaborative process. Your lawyer should be well versed in British Columbia family law, as well as have excellent negotiating skills. If your divorce should require litigation, your collaborative lawyer will not be allowed to represent you in court. If during the collaborative process, there are issues that you and your spouse cannot agree on, you may be required to hire a professional mediator who is skilled in helping people reach an agreement.  Divorce Angels has a complete and vetted list of mediators in your area, should this need arise.

A collaborative divorce is not a combative process, so don’t expect your lawyer to be aggressive. It’s more important that they are helpful negotiators. Your lawyer will help you understand the process as well as clarify legal matters as they come. In order to achieve a successful dispute resolution, you and your spouse must be willing to compromise and meet somewhere in the middle, where you can both find what’s in the best interest of your family.

Hire a Collaborative Lawyer in Vancouver

Divorce doesn’t have to be confrontational. If you and your ex-spouse are willing to negotiate a settlement out of court and can to discuss your terms in a respectful, fair and productive manner, you will save time and money by hiring a collaborative lawyer. Check out the Divorce Angels’ complete listing of professionals in metro Vancouver who have helped many people in your situation finalize their divorce in a collaborative setting.