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Dating After Divorce

November 12, 2015 at 8:25 am
I just read your newest Blog. I love it but it didn’t address the kids. My husband and I have been separated for 7 months and I would love to go on a date just for companionship but I don’t think my kids would be able to handle it right now. Anyone else experienced this?

Hi Raja,
There is nothing wrong with easing yourself back into dating without involving your children. It is actually a great opportunity to establish new, post-divorce boundaries with your kids. I am not suggesting dishonesty or sneaking around, however, not only are you entitled to private, adult time – you need it.

Hi Raja,
I felt the exact same way… and so I didn’t go out or socialize for the first year. BIG MISTAKE! If you don’t take care of yourself and have grown up time you won’t be any good to your kids. They don’t have to know who you are going out with – but it is important for you!

Thanks everyone for your input. I guess the truth is I don’t feel ready. I wonder if I will ever feel ready..:(

you will one day – i felt the same up until about a month ago!
I just met an incredible woman and am actually feeling a little better about myself and the situation – i had no idea how to start so i used a matchmaker who actually proved really useful. I also used a service to help me write and update my online profile! I couldn’t face either of those tasks alone!