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Dating after divorce is so hard


Im not feeling cut out to handle these dates!  My friends said they would be fun but most of the time i feel like dating after divorce just leaves me feeling strange inside and not trusting of others.  How long until I feel good about dating again?  Is it true that one day I will just click with someone and no longer feel like I am “dating after divorce” rather just “dating”?

#1520 Reply


Take it slow and remember time heals — One day you will meet someone who you click with but for now just enjoy meeting different people and having fun

#1529 Reply


I think once you have been divorced you will always feel like your “dating after divorce.” I have been divorced for 6 years and have had two serious relationships since my split.  However every time a relationship ends I feel that I am “dating after divorce”.  I wonder if I will ever feel differently.  My ex and I are amicable so it is not like I am jaded and bitter.  I just think it always comes back to being a divorced person.


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Hi This is Ram, 30 , male.. want to know more about each other.. thanks ram

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