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My husband cheated again -but hes inlove with me and wants me back!!

March 29, 2016 at 2:43 pm
Well the first time he did this I was devastated (2 years ago) , I lost a piece of myself, I took him back after a year apart figured I’d try again.
I thought we were doing great! He got sick was in a semi coma, I took care of him…….fast foward to now, I found out he had being doing it again and this women is worse than the first one so I kicked him out 10 weeks on Friday. He cries every time we talk on the phone, see each other (which is not often) and tells me he loves me and wants me back yet I found out he is living with her. I knew the truth but needed him to tell me the truth and he finally did on Thursday. I’m trying to be civil but a part of me want to very nasty. I don’t get it…. I’m tired and want to move on even thou its hard and I am scared I’ve know this man for 30 years. he was never like this I don’t know what happened like he lost his mind…..
Hi Katie — your husband obviously wants what he can’t have!! You gave him a second chance — and he took advantage of you again. Maybe he is having a midlife crisis or something and needs some professional help. He keeps pulling you back in — Stay strong and move on…sounds like you will be much happier in the end.

well… i thought I am all alone in this horrible situation, now am somewhat relieved that there are others with similar situations…. I too found out my husband have had a 11 months affair with this woman whom he met online. They had a sexual relationship and he was going to leave me and the kids for her. Of course I was devastated and shattered. I was married to this monster for 22 years with 3 wonderful children. First I didn’t want my children not having a father, second, financially would be disastrous without him so… I begged him to stay and he did. He left the other woman and came back , however, I felt as if I have devalued mine to accommodate his and I felt that I have been insulted and humiliated by the very man who I gave my 22 years to. It has been a year and every day I wanted to leave him. I feel ashame by my weakness. I feel dirty for even being intimate with him. Every time we are being intimate the thought of him doing it with the other woman kept appearing in my head and that turned me off. I am traumatized, confused, mistrusted, and worst I don’t respect him. To be fair, he has been showing remorse and trying very hard to make up for his mistake but I am not a very forging person so I am being tortured by my own resentment…. I need help…

I feel you. I wish you could hug someone and feel wanted for real! My wife now of almost 13 years started an affair online around 5 years ago…fast forward after many separations and horrible events and we ended up continuing to try, mainly because she said she was so so sorry and she felt so horrible inside. We had a baby 2 years ago and I just found out last Sunday that she is still talking to this man….mind you he lives almost 2,000 miles away so their relationship is internet basically. I’m at a loss, I don’t love her, she betrayed me and my son and she has been to rehab for RX stuff and just got into her 3rd accident tonight. I don’t know what to do, I wanna leave so bad but my son is my rock and I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing him every day.

Thanks you Dr climent Scott, for the restoration of my marriage. We have been separated for a 4 years. I started searching on the net for people who God restored their marriages and I found Dr climent the great spell caster how he has help so many relationship by his spell casting with his contact , i contact him for help suddenly after the spell casting my husband return back home 2 days after the spell casting and ask for forgiveness and now we are living together happily once again thank you Dr climent for your help. email Dr climent for help EMAIL via: email him [email protected] / [email protected]