Every marriage has its problems and challenges. If you feel your marriage is a constant struggle, divorce isn’t always the answer. Before you contemplate divorce, consider whether couples therapy may be a better first step for you. Divorce Angels is proud to provide a comprehensive list of vetted couples therapy professionals in Vancouver and the surrounding areas who are trained and highly experienced in helping couples understand areas of their relationship that need work and provide working solutions to enhance them. The goal is that after your couples therapy sessions, you will have a better understanding of your relationship in only a few sessions.

Giving Your Marriage Another Chance

Married life isn’t always easy. Through arguments, family values, hardships, the birth of children, and life’s regular ups and downs, we sometimes forget that a healthy marriage needs to be nurtured and cared for on a constant basis. If you and your spouse are committed to working through your issues, Divorce Angels can happily help you find a specialist in your area who has been specially vetted for their experience and expertise. Infidelity, the loss of that “spark,” the death of a close family member, and money issues can all be worked through if each party is willing to accept the advice of their therapist and put in the necessary work to make changes.  Find out if you can move past your issues in the presence of a certified professional.

Why Choose Couples Therapy in Vancouver

If you live in the Vancouver area and you and your spouse are struggling through hard times, Divorce Angels can help you through the process of finding a flexible couples therapist who understands your financial needs and busy schedule. Your marriage doesn’t have to be falling apart to benefit from a couples therapist. Seeking counselling is part of maintaining a loving and respectful relationship.

“Through sickness and health” does not include incidents of physical or mental abuse. If you’re in a situation where you’re being physically threatened, couples therapy is not an appropriate avenue to seek help. It may be more appropriate to speak to a counsellor separately.

What to Expect from Couples Therapy

A couples therapist will allow you and your spouse to communicate in a neutral, judgment-free setting so that each party will feel more comfortable to express their feelings, past resentments, fears, and hopes for the future. Your therapist may wish to meet with you together and individually, but your course of therapy is something that you and your therapist can figure out together.  Be prepared to have a sincere conversation with your therapist and your spouse about what you want in your marriage and how far you’re willing to go to change it. It will become clear to you both what needs to change in order to make your relationship work.

Are You Ready for Couples Therapy?

Do you want to give your marriage another chance? If you’re reading this, it’s possible that you and your partner are ready to take the next step.  Take control of your marriage now before it’s possibly too late to recover. Please consult our list of vetted couples therapists in Vancouver who can help you rediscover the love and happiness you once felt for each other.