If you and your spouse are struggling to get along and every day is a constant source of stress, have you considered couples therapy? Every relationship goes through ups and downs; couples therapy can help ride out the waves and bring you closer. Divorce Angels is proud to have a comprehensive list of vetted therapists in Winnipeg and the surrounding areas, who specialize in helping couples discover the root of their marital issues, learn better communication, and rekindle that old spark. After your couples therapy sessions, you will have a better understanding of how to work on your relationship, and you will have a better idea of how to improve your marriage so that you can both move forward in a healthy and happy way.

Giving Your Marriage Another Chance

Nobody said that marriage was easy. Sharing your life with someone is bound to present challenges, as each person shares the other’s experiences and hardships. If you and your spouse are serious about fighting for your marriage, Divorce Angels can help you find a specialist in your area who has been specifically vetted for their experience and expertise in couples counselling. Infidelity, betrayal, boredom, the death of a close family member, and money issues are common problems in a marriage that can all be addressed and worked on with the help of a therapist and a solid effort to change, as well as accept professional advice.

Why Choose Couples Therapy in Winnipeg

If you live in Winnipeg, Divorce Angels will help you through the process of finding a flexible couples therapist who can work around your financial needs and busy schedule. Don’t let your marital problems reach beyond the point of no return before seeking help. Counselling is a healthy and productive approach to addressing issues in your relationship. If you and your spouse are invested in a future together, then couples therapy may be a good solution for you.

“Through sickness and health” does not include incidents of physical or mental abuse. If you’re in a situation where you’re being physically threatened, couples therapy is not an appropriate avenue to seek help. It may be more appropriate to speak to a counsellor separately.

What to Expect from Couples Therapy

Your counselling sessions provide you and your spouse with the rare opportunity to hash out your frustrations and grievances in front of a neutral third party in a judgment-free environment. After each session, you will start to feel more comfortable about expressing your feelings, resentments, fears, and hopes with your partner. Your therapist may wish to meet with you both to open up a line of healthy communication, and individually to address each person’s issues more thoroughly. Your course of therapy will be up to you and your therapist to determine. Therapy will only be effective if you are honest and open about what you want from your marriage and how far you’re willing to go to get it.

Are You Ready for Couples Therapy?

Are you ready and willing to give your marriage another chance? If you’re reading this, it seems like you and your partner may be prepared to take the next step. Please consult our list of specially vetted couples therapists in Winnipeg who can help you rediscover the love and happiness you once felt for each other.