Do you feel that your relationship is leaving you with more questions than answers lately? Do you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something isn’t right, but you just can’t put your finger on it? Are you looking for validation for the uneasiness you’re feeling? Pointing the finger at your spouse without proof will only cause further resentment and put a strain on your relationship. You may feel that you need to know what you’re dealing with before you can approach your spouse about it. If the uncertainty is driving you crazy, it may be time to hire a private investigator. Divorce Angels is here to help by providing you with a vetted list of approved private investigators throughout Ontario who can help you find what you’re looking for.

What is a Private Investigator?

A private investigator is a highly trained professional who specializes in discretely surveilling people. Not surprisingly, many esteemed PIs are retired police officers or soldiers who are trained in investigation tactics. A private investigator will inconspicuously gather intelligence on an individual and keep all findings confidential. There are many reasons to hire a PI other than cases of infidelity. They also specialize in corporate investigation, insurance fraud investigation, child custody investigation, and much more. A private investigator may be hired by an individual or by a company.

Why Hire a Private Investigator?

If you suspect your spouse of infidelity or betrayal of any kind, hiring a PI may provide you with the information you need to take the next step. You’ve probably spent enough time wondering and worrying. Let a private investigator use their knowledge and experience to find the answers you’re seeking in a safe, legal, and confidential manner so that you’re armed with the necessary information. In the case of divorce, PIs can help you and your lawyer build a case against your ex-spouse if, for instance, they have declared an unemployed status to avoid child/spousal support payments.

What to Expect from a Private Investigator

If it’s truth you seek, a PI will assist you. If you’re interested in hiring a private investigator to help you get to the bottom of your suspicions or to simply put your mind at ease, it’s vital that you work with someone whom you completely trust with sensitive and intimate information about your private life. You can expect a PI to have thorough experience with audio/visual equipment, as well as an understanding of the law and experience in similar cases to yours. Do not expect the investigator to compromise their code of ethics, and be wary of those who offer to engage in illegal activities. Private investigators should never engage in investigative means that break strict federal and provincial laws, such as illegal phone tapping, trespassing, or breaking and entering. A private investigator’s service may include but not be limited to mobile surveillance, GPS tracking, covert surveillance, and more.

Hire a Private Investigator in Ontario

Whatever information your hired PI uncovers, you’ll be equipped with irrefutable evidence to help you make an important decision. Put your suspicions to rest by hiring a private investigator in Ontario. With the Divorce Angels’ vetted list of professional and reputable private investigators near you, you can save time, energy and stress finding the right fit.  Divorce Angels has done all the work for you, and we are happy to guide you through the process of finding a PI in your area who understands your needs and can work within your budget. Consult our professional listings today.