Heather Tannenbaum

Heather is a Certified Divorce Coach,  specializing in working with divorcing moms .  Heather coaches her clients through all aspects of their divorce process by helping them move through their story of divorce and into the business of divorce.  Heather is a strategist, a partner and a sounding board for her clients, helping them find the clarity, confidence and courage to move forward with their lives in a happy, healthy way. 

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Angels Endorsement

When Heather’s nearly 15 year marriage to a divorce lawyer ended, she struggled to come to terms with her new normal. Heather realized that she held the capacity to help other turn their divorce into an opportunity to rebuild a stronger, happier and healthier version of themselves

First through her book, RECONSTRUCTING HAPPY and later as a Certified Divorce Coach, Heather offers her readers and clients insight, perspective and strategies on how to navigate through the storm of divorce and seek calmer waters.

Heather’s coaching skills and experience along with her extensive background as an HR Manager, allows her to also help her clients prepare to re-enter the workforce. Resume writing, interview preparation and recruitment strategies provide Heather’s clients not only with the tools they need to move forward with their family life, but with their professional life as well.

As a mom of 2 teens and step mom to 2 more teens, Heather’s unique experience and approach is the ideal recipe to help others through thier divorce process and find their happily ever after.