Do lots of yoga!
Nothing clears the mind like a yoga class… get in the zone and fixate on yoga moves instead of on your upcoming divorce and time alone!
Get Netflix, Rogers Channel 100 and TMN.
Catch up on all the shows everyone is talking about – shut the blinds, get under the covers, veg out and watch a few seasons of your favorite series. It’s like a stay-cation – connect with the characters and lose yourself in the drama! Allow your mind to shut out your divorce!
Stock the fridge with your favorite wines and foods.
Make sure you have great treats that meet your cravings and good wine to take the edge off!
Buy/ Rent/ Steal a Dog.
A furry friend is the best therapy you will ever have! No one can provide that unconditional love and nothing is better than opening a door to an excited face that can’t wait to be with you! After your divorce, your dog will help you meet new friends!
Re-connect/ Connect with friends and acquaintances.
It’s a great time to stockpile new and old friends. You have the time – reach out. This time of year, people are more receptive and you’d be surprised how many others are also divorced and open to connecting!
Get a stack of books.
If you want to catch up on reading now is your time. Losing yourself in a book can take hours out of your day and take your mind off of your own divorce details!
Book a few therapy sessions!
Don’t burden your friends and family with your tale of divorce woe – let a professional listen and provide a non biased game plan. Keep fresh, open minded, smiley and casual for your peeps!
Prepare canned responses.
It is inevitable that people will ask you what you are doing for the holidays. If you say nothing and that you are alone, be prepared to endure that pity face. If you want to fight the urge to cry every time this happens, ensure you have a quick one liner that explains your plans and doesn’t allow for leeway for a retort back. Make it a statement that is impactful, powerful and satisfying!
Create options.
Whatever it takes make sure you have some options available even if they aren’t the options you really want. Get online and make some noise so that your inbox is full of requests to get together. Line up booty calls even if you don’t plan on following through. These help your ego (especially after divorce) and ensure you don’t HAVE to be alone should you change your mind.
Buy amazing beauty products.
If you are going to stay home make sure you have some new and exciting home products lined up. Stay home and work on a new beauty regime with the extra time – exfoliate, shave, pluck, trim… whatever you feel with help you put your best foot forward in the new year. May as well use the remaining moments of last year to get ready for the upcoming one!
Good luck to all of you… Remember, what doesn’t kill you during your divorce in Ontario will make you stronger!!
2016 is filled with excitement of new beginnings, fresh starts and love!
Mark Kahansky
Having a child makes enduring holidays somewhat palatable. I’m surprised the blogger didn’t mention this.
Why is it always about the woman ? Men have the same feelings I’m devastated but because I’m a man its not suppose to affect me .