My wife and I finally divorced 3 years ago. Not to sound cliché but yes it was a difficult process. For 4 years we fought hard. She wanted everything. Not half – she wanted it all.
It was so difficult for me to navigate. Yes I wanted out of my marriage. I was so unhappy. There was no one else, we just grew apart. We tried therapy and counseling and nothing worked. I wanted to make sure that my family would be taken care of (including my wife) and be as fair as possible but she would have none of it. She would stop at nothing until she received what she believed was coming to her.
After we settled, and she got pretty much what she wanted, she wanted us to be “friends”. This peace treaty may have been more difficult for me than the whole divorce process.
Friends is an interesting concept when you have been through the emotional turmoil we experienced. However I had a great Coach who showed me that there are moments in your life when you have to put your issues away and look at a bigger picture.
The reality is that although our marriage ended, we will always share a connection to our past life together through our children. And no matter what, I will always look at my ex as giving me that special gift.
So every Mother’s Day as much as at first it was very difficult to do, I take my kids and we buy something special for their mother to honour her as she will always be the mother of my amazing children and for that I will always be grateful.
Liam P.
Father of 2