I wasn’t a virgin when I got married, but I also didn’t have a ton of experience with other men.

I married my high school sweetheart, who after almost 20 years of marriage, left me for someone else.  Shocked, Sad, and scared I spent months trying to figure out what went wrong with my marriage and what was wrong with me.

My husband and I were both consumed with our careers and raising our children that we had forgotten about each other’s emotional and physical needs along the way.  Our sex was okay – but to be honest it wasn’t passionate or the ‘rip your clothes off’ kind of sex you see in movies.

My ego took a bruising when he left and it took me a long time to realize that I was an attractive woman who was desirable.

Months after my divorce finalized, I found myself fantasizing what sex would be like with another man and knew I was ready to start dating.

At first, I was looking for Mr. Right and to get back into another relationship. But after a failed first post-divorce relationship I realized that another relationship was something that I really didn’t need nor was ready for.  It was my time to explore and be free.

My sexual experiences after divorce have been amazing and interesting.  Being intimate with other men has allowed me to reconnect with myself and explore my sexual and flirtatious side.  I have learnt a lot about myself and have begun to figure out what I am looking for  — not only in a lover but the kind of man I want in my next relationship.


Nicole, 48

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