With the New Year finally arriving many singles are turning to matchmakers to help them with their love life. With all the dating apps out there why might one hire a professional matchmaker? For starters, all matchmaking clients are screened and approved meaning everyone looks like their photos unlike dating apps where there are several ‘surprises’ or shall I say disappointments. Also, there are background checks so your assured that the doctor your on a date with is really a doctor and not living in their parents basement.

I have heard and even experienced countless horror stories of dates on dating apps and the lies and misrepresentation that occurs. Some are already in relationships and are looking to play the field and you would otherwise have no idea. People who hire matchmakers have a lot invested in this endeavor so they are serious about finding a life partner and certainly not in a relationship already. All matchmaker candidates are serious about finding ‘the one’ and do not have time to play games.

Also, upon hiring a matchmaker you are sent out on suitable dates within a reasonable time frame (with a reputable matchmaker of course). On dating apps, you can be messaging or texting with someone for weeks without ever actually meeting them in the end. Dating apps cultivate pen pals, not something you want to aspire for 2018. If you want to take your love life seriously this year whether it be matchmaking or date coaching please contact me at [email protected]

Wishing you all the love, happiness, and success for 2018!

Christina Jay

Christina is a bespoke matchmaker and certified dating and life coach for successful singles and divorcee’s. To learn more about Christina and her services click http://thedivorceangels.com/vendor/christina-jay/


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