Separation and Divorce are stressful, difficult to navigate and can be very costly. Disruption, uncertainty and emotional turmoil are compounded by a complicated Family Law system, lack of alternatives and expensive legal fees that can add up like a run-away train.
With Lawyer’s offices flooded in client files and the courts overflowing with cases, the thought of going down this path may feel impossible and far too expensive. It is important to know that there is a viable and successful option when considering a Separation: Mediation.
Mediation is efficient and cost effective as it enables you to be in charge of your own Agreement. It allows you to voice your interests, goals and concerns with your partner and a neutral third party who will then guide you towards agreeing on desired outcomes.
Lawyers and Court focus on principle and take positions which can delay resolution, increase conflict and legal costs. Mediation, however, is about identifying the gaps of desired outcomes of each party. The Mediator assists by identifying those gaps, fostering an interestbased discussion and ensuring each party’s thoughts are heard while skillfully narrowing the issues and guiding you towards a resolution.
While conflict and unique personalities can come in to play in any negotiation, an experienced Mediator will mitigate obstacles, ensuring each party’s interests remain at the forefront while keeping them focused on constructive conversations. This allows for a far more creative resolution outside of Lawyer’s offices or a Court room.
Legal representation is not required at Mediation however it is highly recommended that each party obtain legal advice before an agreement is signed. In other words, coming to an agreement is not all about legal rights and obligations, it encompasses an understanding of the process, identification of the issues and putting your trust in a neutral third party. The result is an efficient and cost effective resolution.
Diane Horsman
Diane is the Consultant and Founder of Bold Consulting and is a single mother of two teenagers. She is a trained Mediator and obtained her Alternative Dispute Resolution certificate from York University. Diane specializes in, but is not limited to, Separations with conflict and is committed to helping couples and individuals feel empowered and confident through the challenging Divorce process. To learn more about Diane click
If you are dealing with an narcissistic partner, do not, DO NOT do mediation and arbitration. I started this process 4 years ago, and I am still in the middle of a court process that has gone wrong.
My ex was able to have to arbitrator, a well known arbitrators in Toronto to step down from our case. A year later, I finally got into the courts. It just keeps getting worse.
Start out in court; you will save your self hundreds of thousands of dollars.
phoenix men
Mediation is helpful in every way during divorce. I have started when thing getting frustrated, My wife of 10 years (have been together 15) has just recently left me, announcing that she needed some space and her own freedom (who doesn’t) she swore there was nobody else. She keeps lying to me. She had an affair 2 years ago and it totally devastated me.
Thank you for your advice I’m a mother of 3 and I’m clueless Thank you and God bless youThsmk you sounds what I’m going through now thanks gl
Denise Smith
Mediation is one way to work out your relationship, but if you’re really unhappy, you can consult an experienced family attorney
to assist you with your case.